6 Important Features That Can Help You Make A Compelling Digital Catalog

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Digital Catalog

Digital catalogs are more important than ever. With the rise of e-commerce, digital catalogs give consumers a way to navigate your store and view products in a variety of ways.

A digital catalog should be easy to use and provide an enjoyable experience for your customers.

It is a web-based database used to store and manage product information, including supplier details, descriptions, photos, and prices.  It also includes features such as search functionality that allows users to search for products by keyword or category, so customers can find what they are looking for quickly.

Features that can help you make a compelling digital catalog:

  1. Zoom-in views

Include zoom-in views so users can see details about each product (such as size, color, and condition) without having to click through more pages or scroll down on their screens (this will also make it easier for mobile users to navigate).

Further, you can include 360-degree view capabilities so that your customers can have a better look at your products. This thing can definitely increase your sales.

  1. SEO-optimization

Search engine optimization plays a crucial role in today’s sales and business. If the content of your catalog is SEO-optimized, it will reflect in higher rankings on popular search engines like Google.

Make sure your webpages are mobile optimized and load faster. Further, ensure your catalog’s on-page optimization is on point. Work on link architecture, right tagging, compelling product titles and descriptions, etc. to get more visitors.

  1. Placement of CTAs

Believe it or not but the placement of your CTAs (Add to Cart, Buy Now) can make or break your business. If a user comes to your catalog and cannot easily locate the Call to Action buttons, chances are high that he will leave your catalog quickly and go to your competitor to buy the product.

The ideal placement of CTAs should be above the fold and near the price of the product. Further, make certain that the CTA buttons should be decent in size (not too big and not too small) and the color of the CTA buttons should match your brand’s identity or catalog’s color scheme to garner more attention of your customers.

  1. Real-time functionality

You should be able to product prices, images, descriptions, etc. in real-time and with a single click. If a product gets out of stock, you should be able to know instantly.

Further, you should be able to track user and marketing metrics in real-time. Real-time analytics can help you make your marketing game stronger.

  1. Product detail pages

Each product should have its own page with detailed information about the product including its specifications, price, and availability. This thing can also help in search engine optimization.

Further, offer “best sellers” pages so customers can easily find popular items that have sold well in recent months or years.

  1. Social media

Include social media links so people can connect with each other on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This will help build a community around your brand and help drive sales down the road when you do eventually offer products for sale online through these channels.

Are you ready to get started?

A digital catalog is the most effective way to advertise your products and services online. It is also a great way to build trust with customers who are looking for your business online.

If you are looking to create your own digital catalog, you can do it effortlessly with the help of Enhanc. Enhanc is a digital publishing platform that can help you build your digital catalog quickly. Enhanc now offers a 15-day free trial. Try it today!

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